Sunday, 2 March 2014

Sunday Story -i


                       Thinking Barefoot

I watch the sky through the tree tops, tree tops through cable wires, the wires through a net, and the net through my soft-lashes
And something about the day has got me thinking….
So I am not leaving this couch or the view until I make up my mind.

The thing is that I can’t tell what I woke up to this morning… the way I used to.
Like the time when I woke up to be a painter or a blogger or a nomad or someone's muse or whatever...

But This day has something I have never woken up to…
clearly because it has taken me the whole day to pick what-i-woke-up-to.
There's a nice couch under me, sweetest melody in my ears, weather that makes my skin glow,no voices partying in my head..

And a feeling that everything is alright with the world because it’s just what it’s meant to be.

I don't know what to make of it as i watch the sky changing colors over hours, lying on the very same spot.

A peaceful day in a row of messy ones. No rush whatsoever...

Dear setting sun, i can see you are trying to tell me things...things like i am where i am meant to be the way you are, the way every other thing is... 
Well, that could be it. 
Will see you next week.

#Melody courtesy: song for you - Alexi Murdoch

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